
Showing posts from January, 2018

Orang Tenang & Kuat

Jadilah orang Yang  tetap sejuk di tempat panas Tetap manis di tempat yang pahit Tetap merasa kecil walau telah besar Tetap tenang di tengah badai yang kuat

2018 January 28 Quote

The only thing that is faster than light is.... DARKNESS

Soalan Math Paling sweet


2018 January 24 Quote

To be rich is not what you have in your bank account, But what you have in your heart.

2018 February 5 Quote

Simplify this equation 10+5v(4e-2e)-9+19u-18u=?

2018 January 23 Quote

Secret is something you tell everybody to tell nobody

Berbuat Baik

Dalam melakukan kebaikan, kadangkala  ada yang buruk turut ikut sama.. Namun Ketika melakukan keburukan , tidak ada kebaikan ikut serta.. Jangan bosan berbuat baik walaupun tidak sempurna..


Apakah Semua yang zahir dimata Takkan Pernah berdusta

Sahabat Sejati?

Sahabat sejati  adalah  bukan mereka yang hanya mampu membenarkan kata-kata kita, tetapi sahabat sejati yang sebenarnya adalah mereka yang mampu berkata benar tentang diri kita.

2018 January 20 Quote

Experience new experiences no matter how scary they may be. you will learn, grow and experience amazing new things

2018 January 22 Quote

Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero. Sometimes what it needs... is a monster.

2018 January 18 Quote

The importance of honesty in any relationship should never be overlooked. Hiding ones feeling, or behavior, can lead to suffering and regret. John Cena

2018 January 15 Quote

Feelings are important in our life as they come from heart... If you respond back, they grow... If you ignore, they die... and If you respect, they stay forever...

2018 January 12 Quote

Too many damn disappointments are usually because of too many damn expectations.

2018 January 13 Quote

When two people love each other, time and money are just numbers.

2018 January 14 Quote

Little things in life matters. If you can't do the little things right, you'll never be able to do the big things right.

2018 January 16 Quote

It's not how much you sleep, it's how much you do when you're awake.

2018 January 26 Quote

Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger..

2018 February 20 Quote

Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter.

2018 February 4 Quote

We live in our own time. Give time TIME.

2018 March 3 Quote

Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need.

2019 March 23 Quote

People will forget what you SAID. People will forget what you DID. But people will NEVER forget how you made them FEEL.

2018 January 31 Quote

Money isn't everything, money is the only thing. Floyd "Money" Mayweather

2018 January 27 Quote

When you are ugly and people love you for what you are, you know they love you for real

2018 January 19 Quote

Life is so ironic, It takes sadness to know what happiness is, Noise to appreciate silence, & absence to value presence.


Jangan terlalu memandang bintang di langit hingga kita terlupa rumput di bumi

2018 January 11 Quote

Respect the emotions in someone's heart, rather than the expression on someones face because expression is just a formality but emotions are reality. . . .

2018 January 10 Quote

Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'


Orang perjuangan selalunya menghadapi dua kemungkinan; hilang atau terbilang.

2018 January 9 Quote

An arrow can only be shot forward by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, just imagine that it's going to launch you into something great.

2018 January 8 Quote

First you LEARN then you remove the "L"

2018 January 7 Quote

Life will knock us down but we can choose whether or not to stand back up.


Keikhlasan adalah salah satu bentuk akhlak yang tulen

2018 January 6 Quote

A hungry stomach An empty pocket A broken heart Teach the best lessons of life..


Rindu itu ialah CINTA YANG BERLEBIHAN, dan ada rindu yang disertai dengan menjaga diri dan ada juga yang diikuti dengan kerendahan hati. Rindu bukanlah sesuatu hal yang tercela dan keji, akan tetapi perlulah disertai dengan menjaga diri, kesucian dan kerendahan hati. 

Kata Ketaatan

Resmi sikembang Cina : “Belum dipanggil dah datang, belum disuruh dah pergi, belum diminta dah beri.”

2018 January 5 Quote

The loveliest day comes when you wake up and find out that life still colors your world through people who truely care and never fail to remember you.

Kata Keindahan

Tiada keindahan dalam sebuah kehidupan tanpa merasai kepahitan, dan tiada bibit-bibit kebahagiaan dalam sebuah kepahitan tanpa menyemai benih-benih kesabaran dan kesyukuran.

Quote of the night 2018 January 4

Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times; They can only make you stronger.

2018 January 4 Quote

 Past is a "waste paper" Present is a "newspaper" Future is a "question paper" So read and write carefully... Other wise life will be a "tissue paper"